Bear was a character who was spoiled right up until she passed away, seven months after she was diagnosed with a large mass. Thank you for blessing the lives of those around you. Rest well, sweet darlin’!
Super-sweet Gaston had mobility issues that eventually caught up with him, and he went over the Rainbow Bridge in March 2024. Gaston, thank you for being the epitome of love for the foster families who were blessed with your sweet presence.
On the day we met, my life changed forever. I changed forever. For me, it was love at first sight. My beautiful Honey, I love you more than words can say. I am grateful beyond words for everything you've done for me and everything we've shared.
Sam and I had 10 remarkable years together until a cancer came that she couldn't beat. Sammy, you filled my heart with Indy and Lucca, but your presence is forever there, and I feel you with me, girl.